Edupanda » Mechanika budowli » Influence lines » Gerber beams
List of examples
Example 1
Determine the influence lines for support reactions and shear forces for a given beam.
Example 2
Determine the lines of influence of the shear forces for a given beam.
Example 3
Determine the lines of influence for support reactions and shear forces for a given beam.
Example 5
Use the kinematic method to determine the influence lines for support reactions Ma, Vc, and cross-sectional forces for a given beam.
Example 6
Determine the influence lines for support reactions Vp, Vb, Mb using the analytical method and for shear forces using the kinematic method for a given beam.
Example 7
Determine the influence lines for support reactions and shear forces for a given beam using the kinematic method and the analytical method. Compare the results.
Example 8
Determine the lines of reaction and shear forces for a given beam using the kinematic method.
Example 9
Determine the influence lines for support reactions and shear forces for a given beam using both the kinematic and analytical methods.
Example 10
Calculate the bending moment envelope for a given variable load and for a constant load \(q=10 \frac{kN}{m}\).